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'The Corridors in Chile

Born in Margate, Kent, I grew up wanting to be an artist until I found editing at the age of 17 and fell in love with it.


After 3 years doing a BA in Television Production at Bournemouth University where I met writing partner Céin, I moved to London in 2005 (with writing partner Céin).

After working my way up in post-production for 4 years I became a freelance editor in 2009.


Aside from editing and writing I still love art, and continue to paint in my spare time. In 2012 I was lucky enough to travel the length of Italy visiting art galleries, drinking wine and eating in restaurants alone, like a cultured, worldly and incredibly interesting individual with no friends.


As well as art I have always loved and played cricket including a game against the Chile national team in 2012.


Making comedy is a huge passion of mine, both editing and writing. Should you have a work enquiry then feel free to get in touch, all the details can be found on the CONTACT page, either through my agents or directly.


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